Monday, July 20, 2009

Advice On How To Get Dazzling Teeth From Fairfield CT Dentists - Fairfield Ct Cosmetic Dental office says most people nowadays are getting attracted to tooth whitening products because they want to have a million dollar

smile just like the celebrities seen on television. If you want your teeth to become whiter and more

dazzling, you can add whitening toothpastes into your personal dental care kit. If you want to use whitening toothpastes, don’t forget to check if it still contains fluoride and other ingredients that fight and prevent plaque and tartar. However, a lot of whitening toothpaste users claim that these whitening products didn’t really do much in changing the color of their teeth. The yellowing of the teeth is actually a natural phenomenon. As a person gets older, his or her teeth becomes yellowish.

If you are not satisfied with the color of your teeth, the best way is to visit your dentist first and

consult him or her about your dilemma. Your dentist will tell you about the effectiveness of

over-counter-products or they may even offer to give you professional treatment.

Most celebrities actually prefer to undergo professional teeth whitening treatment because that

way, their unique needs can be met. Be very careful in purchasing over-the-counter teeth whitening products because some of these may contain bleaching agents that can actually damage your mouth and gums. In addition to that, do follow the instructions strictly to avoid experiencing adverse side effects.

The Teeth’s Nemesis:

Sugar Perhaps everybody has gone through a stage in

their childhood when they would constantly hear their

elders warning them about the evils of eating too much

sugary sweets and candies. And those warnings are true

indeed; eating sugary sweets and candies is a major

cause of tooth decay.

However, it might helpful for you to know that its not

just about the amount of sugar that you eat - it also

involves when and how you eat sugary stuffs that

determine the health of your teeth.

When you drink sodas or eat sugary foods throughout

the day, the enamel of your teeth becomes constantly

exposed to acids. Cough drops, hard candies, and

breath mints are just some examples of the harmful

sugary sweets that dissolve in your mouth slowly.

Dental professionals and experts suggest a 3-hour

break in between taking food and drinks that contain

sugar. Starchy or sugary foods eaten with a full meal

is said to be less harmful to the teeth compared to

being eaten alone because the increased production of

saliva helps wash away the bacteria and sugar.

Eating sweet and sugary foods before sleeping is

perhaps the most damaging thing one can do to his or

her teeth because one does not produce a lot of saliva

when he or she is asleep.

If you want to have a health set of teeth yet you

can’t seem to cut out sweets from your diet, you can

try some of these tips to help you achieve your goal:

eat carbohydrates with a meal, brush your teeth

directly after eating, rinse your mouth thoroughly

with mouthwash or water, chew sugarless gum, don’t eat

sugary foods and sweets between meals, eat non-sugary

foods (cheese, popcorn, yogurt, raw veggies) as

snacks. In a nutshell, achieving and maintaining a healthy set of teeth may not be as easy as 123 but with enough determination and commitment to your personal dental

care routine, you will surely have the smile that you’ve been wanting ever since.

For more information visit Dr. Mariana Conant's website at or call the office at 203-255-59999

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